Meditation for Projection and Protection from the Heart

Your heart has an electromagnetic field and that field is related to the heartbeat of the universe. This is a protective field for your soul so it doesn’t get hurt by life’s experiences. Your heart field can be strong, weak, or misaligned, nevertheless, it is always there. Our hearts experienced many forms of shocks and pain… Continue reading Meditation for Projection and Protection from the Heart

Interview: Can meditation practice make you smarter?

Talking Kundalini Interview series Kundalini yoga is a powerful practice and I love to listen to people’s experiences with its practice.Yesterday I talked to my dear friend Sarah Padmani Ajeet who has been hosting Classic Yogic Cleanse with me for a few years now 😊.  In our talk, we discuss many topics including: How is… Continue reading Interview: Can meditation practice make you smarter?

5th Pauri: When you feel a Sense of Failure

When few things don’t go exactly as you planned, we all tend to have tendency to stop believing in ourselves.  Of course, this lack of belief can then become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It can also make you stop trying to make effort, which is actually even sadder.  This pauri offers very interesting answers.Â