sadhana and books podcast

Sadhana and Books podcast explores spiritually inclined books and practices. 

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latest episode 

Daily Sadhana 

Sadhana is at 5:30 am EST

Please sign up through Patreon for minimum/symbolic donation of $1 a month but if you can offer more it would be greatly appreciated.

 90 DAY SADHANA "Radiance and Vitality" 

April 1st - June 29th 2024

 - Sun salutations and/or kriya (subject to change)

- Long Mul Mantra meditation (33 -40 minutes)

"This meditation light up your radiance and aura so that your presence works for you to be more effective, and less impacted by negativity. It reorients the brain to relieve emptiness as an axis of the planet shifts at a greater speed. It replenishes your youthful vitality at any age, and take you to your root, transforming your destiny to complete prosperity."

(Stress and Vitality manual)

TIME: 5:30 am - 6:45 am EST

Donate by becoming a member on Patreon for as little as $1

Book Club and Sadhana $5+

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield: Book 1

 First meeting on April 14th at 12 pm

We will read at slow pace about 30 -40 pages in 2 weeks.

Coming up:

  Egyptian Book of the Dead, Thus Spoke Zarathustra,  Emerson, Joseph Campbell,....

Weekly Meditation $11+

If you want to start your meditation practice and are looking for suggestions and guidance on what meditation to practice.

Each week you will receive video meditation.

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