15th Pauri of Japji: helps you find liberation.

Your spiritual growth is not just for your peace of mind. 
Your spiritual growth influences and helps your family, friends, and coworkers. On a larger scale, it also elevates group consciousness of the whole planet. 

When you feel happy and empowered, your parents feel relieved, happy, and empowered about them as parents. When you work on your liberation from life’s chains, your children will be able to feel lighter as well. 

We are not separated entity existing in our own unhappy vacuum. We influence those around us all the time in a good way or a bad way. If you are called to a spiritual path, commit to it and commit to living in the light. That is not a selfish act. It’s the most generous act you can do for anyone because you will become an actual shining example that will help others find their path. 

Seekers of Light are those who are able to elevate themselves from the clutches of their ego and follow the path of light. They search for light and purity within themselves and also in life. On their path in life they try to avoid situations and thoughts that will limit them, that will make them feel small, or will block them. 

Seekers of Light follow situations, thoughts, people that make them feel more like themselves, stronger, light, loved. 

On the path of light, you will never beg for anything. On the path of light you’ll be able to get through any obstacles and difficulties with ease. 

To be the Seeker of Light is a practice that you do step by step, little by little by deeply listening and trusting yourself. 

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