Quick and Easy Way to Flatten Your Belly

Our beautiful belly challenge ended, I lost 5-6 pounds and 2 inches of my waist, my abs are stronger than ever, but…
my belly is still protruding!!!

Please don’t take me wrong, I am not one of those ladies who’s self worth is mainly based on their body image. The closer they resemble a Barbie doll, the higher is their value. (The saddest thing about this sort of thinking is that even when you are the spitting image of a Barbie, you don’t realize it and continue to strive for something better.)

No no, I am quite happy with myself and the way my body looks. However I feel responsible to all of you, as well as to myself, to find a quick and easy way to flatten our bellies after pregnancy. I’m refusing to accept that my belly will not get into the shape it has been.

Without much ado, here is the absolutely perfect exercise to flatten your belly and cleanse your digestive system. It might only take a minute or two. Please practice in the morning on the empty stomach.

1. Please come standing. Inhale and as you exhale, bend at your waist and rest your hands on top of your thighs. Hold the breath out. Just like that.


2. Begin pumping your stomach in and out for as long as you can hold your breath out. During this exercise feel as if you want to bring your belly button to touch your spine. When you need to inhale, do so, don’t strain.

3. Continue for about 50 -100 pumps.

If this seems too complicated or straining to you. You can also try regular stomach pumps.

1. Stand straight with your feet hip width apart.

2. Begin pumping your stomach in and out vigorously 50-100 times

You can do it to the rhythm of the music, you can do it at work, or when you are waiting in line, before going to bed or after you wake up. Ideally on an empty stomach. With persistency this will definitely work.

How it works: These exercises strengthen a muscle called transverse abdominis which is the deepest of the core muscles and is primarily responsible for your belly looking flat.

Try the exercise and let me know your results in the comments below.

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