I’m not that young I can afford not to exercise


Do you have lower back pain or maybe a tension in your shoulders and neck?

Me too.
As a yoga teacher it is expected that I would have this one little trick that is guarantee to work and relieve you of your pain.
Honestly though, I have to say, forget about it. Exercise doesn’t work like a pill.

“Oh let me just do 5 lounges and the pain will be gone.”
Maybe your pain might feel acute, just in one area, but it doesn’t mean it is not connected to the rest of your body.
You don’t need one exercise once in a blue moon, you need the whole set of exercises that you will practice often.

Myself included, I have to remind myself:
I’m not that young that I can afford not to exercise.
Therefore I do my yoga every morning.

This is what happens to people all the time. You sit most of the day and than you bend down for a fallen pen and your back cracks. No it’s not your age, it’s because your muscles and connective tissues got hard and stiff and when you suddenly moved into this unusual position something snapped. Muscles and tissues that are being moved often, don’t tent to do that. 

Motherhood is physically demanding. The constant bending and lifting takes a toll on your body. Don’t wait and start taking better care of your body now, today.
Not sure how?
Ask me.

with love

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