Mom is Forever

When I was pregnant I spend all my time getting ready for the birth. I talked about it with my mom, with my mother in law, sister in law actually, I think almost with every mother I’ve met. Plus I read books with other women’s birth stories. Took birthing classes. Found an amazing doctor, hired a doula, then found a birthing center and dropped the doctor, then found a “better” birthing center. I exercised, walked a lot, got massages, seats on the subway and a lot of comments on the street. Shortly, all I was focusing on was giving birth. I had no idea or plan for what I am going to do after I give birth.

After few hours (18) it was all over (not at all how I wanted it) and the most amazing baby was born.

When we got home from the hospital (oh yeah I didn’t end up delivering at the birthing center), I realized that someone must have a lot of trust in me to give me this perfectly new unharmed baby to take care of. The truth is, I had never ever taken care of the baby before, I had never even changed a diaper (I learned that at the hospital). I felt clumsy, unprepared and completely in the dark about what to do.

Everyone thought I was coping so well, but I just wanted to be left alone with my baby. The feeling of love totally overwhelmed all the fears and I started doing everything based on love. How can I hold her with the most love, how can I feed her with the most love, how can I change her diaper with the most love…

Our communication was done mostly by crying on her part and by stretching the intuition on my part. We’ve developed very a special relationship. However, all the crying can sometimes drive you mad, which it did. Then I considered how she must be feeling; no one seems to understand her…
Sometimes I broke down and cried….
But the next day I was ready to start again.
Because that’s what love is.

Our children not only grow on milk and food but they grow and cherish on LOVE. 

Fortunately, love comes naturally to all the mothers. I teach baby and me classes and at the end we do a meditation to bless our babies. At that point, all other social roles and norms disappear. There is only love in the room, love as thick as heavy cream. It’s elecrifiying. I feel it jumping through all of us.

Practicing and teaching yoga and meditation has helped me enormously to navigate my life with my baby girl. I am so patient, feel balanced, in touch with her needs (most of the time, at least), I got in shape physically and mentally. And all of it allows me to give her more love.

It’s been said many times, mother’s work is the most important and the most underrated job out there. Raise your hand if you agree! It is even more important now in these unsettling times when we can’t trust that our government has our back, that our financial institutions will have money that we’ve been saving, or that doctors will be able to help us when we get sick. Our future lies in raising our children to be centered, balanced, independent and wise individuals who will created better world for all of us.

I am here in support of all you moms, as your cheerleader and a lighthouse. To always remind you how amazing you are and what an important job you are doing. My motto is “Be the change you want to see” by Gandhi. I want to teach you meditative tips that has helped me, flat belly exercises, relaxation and energizing techniques, and all the healing yoga poses I’ve been studying for past 5 years.

Together we can create strong virtual community of modern moms who give voice and meaning to the next generation.

I have exciting things coming up. Teaching Baby and Me classes in Manhattan see the location here

And very soon I’m starting to teach online:
Baby and Me Yoga,
Evening Yoga and Meditation
Get in Shape Momma.
Details are coming soon.

You will also receive a lots of newsletters with simple tips and short videos on Happy Free Spirit Video page.

Let’s get together to practice to be the best we can be, to give the best we can give.

I understand this not for everyone, maybe you have it all figured out already and are in great shape physically and mentally, or maybe you already feel thoroughly supported as a mother, and that is great, congratulations. But if you know of anyone who might enjoy this community, please forward them this email. There are a lot of moms in need, hiding behind their smiles.

For those of you joining me on this venture, I congratulate you on being so brave and adventurous to try these techniques and I thank you for giving me a chance. I pledge to deliver and not disappoint.
With all the love of my heart I praise you, you awesome mom.


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