Green Energy Production: Meditation for Prosperity

This meditation works like a magic for your aura and arcline to help you attract prosperity into your life. And by prosperity I mean a sense of well being having anything you need in life.

When we actually need prosperity or when we really want to attract a person into our life, your aura is automatically stressed, not in flow, projecting out in a wrong (negative) way.

This meditation helps your aura relax, heart open, softness and gratitude returns. This is the highest state of attraction. With this attitude you can bend the time and space and create greater gravitational force around you.

So what about hard work? Is hard work not necessary?

Hard work is a given. By putting your time and effort into something you show the universe what you care about. So allow yourself to surrender to doing the work as well.




Chant from your heart.

While you chant imagine yourself being surrounded by the green energy. The fresh green of new spring grass. The color of renewal. Continue for 2-11 minutes

At the end rest your hands on your knees in gyan mudra (first finger touching the thumb) and start to think about the things you can be grateful for. Immerse yourself in the current blessings in your life. Truly feel the gratitude is your heart. It can be simple things like your breath, your eyes and it can more profound blessings like your family, job, teachers.

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