What does hypnosis have to with Yoga

There is something within us people as well as in other species that Joseph Campbell calls “inner releasing mechanism”

It’s a deeply ingrained memory that when stimulated creates a reaction.
For example,
Chick with their eggshells still adhering to their tails dart for cover when a hawk flies overhead, but not when the bird is a gull or a duck, heron or pigeon.” writes Campbell in “Masks of God”

There is a mechanism that tells the chick to be afraid even when they see a cut-out of a hawk. 

Similarly we humans have memories of certain images hidden within us. Some people are petrified of snakes, some of the roaches, others of darkness, and others fear standing up for themselves or expressing how they truly feel. 

Hypnosis helps to uncover these deeply hidden triggers and blocks and in that way helps you live a more authentic, less karmic life. 

During Saturn retrograde, we might start to feel that our karmic patterns get triggered especially when they have anything to do with money or time.  

I go deeper into this topic in this video;

Sign up for my workshop to uncover your karmic blocks.

Hypnotic Travel through the Ages workshop
July 13th, 2022
6 pm – 7:30 pm EST 
(online and will be recorded)

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