My Sunday Zen: Ep. 3 Healing Ra Ma Da Sa



I was born on this day 36 years ago.

I was very sick and had to spend a whole month in an incubator away from my mom and dad. Until my dad decided to baptize me, in case I die and I won’t be able to enter eternal peace. 

The next day they released me from the hospital and let me go home. 

And that’s how the story was told.

I was born a virgo. I was born to be of service.

People try to find an alternate reasons behind my actions. 

There is none.

I love being of service.

However on this day I do have a request, specially for those of you, who have been with me for awhile:

Exchange your free time for few minutes of this healing meditation. There are so many who need it, from Syrian refugees to people fighting depression in US. 

This meditation is so beautiful but it is also very fun, as you can see at the beginning of this video. 

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