Meditate with 3-4-5-6 Pauri for Confidence, Success and Removing Limitations

We call on You
And beg to You, “Give me, give me.”

And you, Great Giver, Give it All.

aakhahi mangahi dahi dahi daat karay daataar

from 4th Pauri Japji Sahib

Life has a tendency to knock us down so many times. And sometimes even the most positive and resilient person will feel down, not having confidence in their abilities and will perceive all situations with negative shades. All they see are limitations and the many different ways their plans, hopes and dreams have not worked out before.

If by any chance, this is how you feel; if you are struggling and need help to elevate your confidence, to feel successful and get beyond your limitations – These 4 pauris must be your daily jam.

When you use Japji Sahib as a technology to help you live better life, you are applying to the highest power of the creation. Just chant and see your life change. It’s so simple.

This video includes all 11 repetitions with words written on the screen. All you have to do is chant along.


And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: support those around you. Visualize them being happy, healthy successful. Do not under any circumstances wish for someone to fail, ‘to learn their lesson’. Also if you can constructively help, do not stand quietly by the side lines, offer your help from your heart.

Our visualization has a tremendous power and we can actually use it more effectively for others than for ourselves. When you visualize those around you doing well and succeeding, you are automatically elevating yourself as well.

Sat Nam

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