Guns are not sexy

I have recently lost a friend, mother of 4 – she got shot.

Twice this summer, I have drove through a street shooting with my daughter sitting helplessly in the back. Both times we got stuck in the middle of it because of the chaos on the street (cars, motorcycles and people running away).

I have pushed myself to spread the message of higher consciousness and unity to anyone who will listen because of Sandy Hook tragedy.

There are way too many guns around and unfortunately it’s not ‘the sharpest tools in a box’ who own one.

Shootings of all kinds have gotten more common and we feel more and more hopeless about the situation.

Today I offer a simple (if a slightly radical) solution.

Ladies of all ages:

We can change our society simply by not associating with anyone who owns a gun. By not staying in a house with the gun it and by choosing to be with men who have brains, heart and emotional intelligence instead of fancy car, big guns and a small apparatus.

I know this is not a perfect solution but it is a step forward.

We should make those who propagate guns feel undesirable in EVERY sense of the world. Don’t talk to them, don’t date them, don’t sleep with them, don’t laugh at their jokes.

We need to take a strong stance on guns and actively push them out of our homes, communities and from our country.

Guns are not sexy and anyone who has access to a gun can turn into potentially dangerous friend, boyfriend, husband or a stranger.

This is not a joke. It’s a reality for which way too many have already paid for. Fatally.

Guns are not sexy.

They won’t protect you.

They are made to kill.

A decision that no one should ever make.

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