Day 5: Open up your creativity with Sat Kriya

Sat Nam *|FNAME|*,

I have been practicing Kundalini yoga and meditation for about 9 years now and one thing that I started to notice early from the beginning, is that I felt better expressing myself creatively.

Before when I tried to draw, write or design something I would HATE how bad it was. Doing the creative things was most of the time dreadful. I was discouraged even though I never stopped.

I don’t have any particular talents like drawing, singing or playing musical instrument. Well, I am talented when it comes to movement so I’ve danced a lot (even professionally) but my ear for music was not very good so I was never sure whether I’m in rhythm or not. What a nightmare.

I like writing and that talent felt familiar to me but then I moved to another country and had to start using different language and once again I found myself blocked.

With practice of kundalini yoga slowly but surely all these blocks that I had, stared melting away. When I was in creative mode, even if it just meant to write a paper for school or treatment for work, I did it with pleasure and felt the creative flow. I felt in a zone AND I didn’t hate what I created. What a self confidence boost that was.

The way kundalini exercises and meditations work is invisible, hard to understand but it will not go unnoticed.

My block of not being able to hear music and beat completely dissolved. People used to tell me to stop singing that’s how bad it was, now I get a compliment here and there. My hand actually listens to my mind when I want to draw something. I could go on and on.

You see the blocks that we have are due to our past emotions and karma and they settle down in our body. Kundalini yoga through specific movements, chanting, breath work is the best when it comes to removing these blocks.

I hope that you can express your creativity with more ease and talent and that you do it often.

Being creative helps you to get in touch with your soul, with the divine inspiration. By connecting with your creativity, you are building a strong bridge with a spirit and that my loves is the true fulfillment in life.

With that said, today’s meditation removes blocks especially from 2nd chakra. It’s a lot of fun to do. And it only takes 5 minutes.


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