The best way to improve your circulation

This past year I went to a tapping of Dr. Oz Show. It was my mom’s request. It’s one of the perks of living in New York, you can go and see shows for free.

What Doctor Oz talked about, was how we block our own circulation and how dangerous it is for us. Don’t take my word for it. Watch this episode on the link below. And yes you can actually see me right in front. I’m wearing bright red pants (45 seconds mark).

Needless to say, prolonged sitting is very bad for you. We all should stand up and walk around at least once in a hour. That way we have less chance of getting blood clots. Our blood will get the chance to circulate freely throughout our body and remove harmful toxins. Plus our brain will get fresh new surge of blood.


I am so happy to share with you this exercise that will get your heart beating, your face gets nice and flushed and your legs will sing hallelujah for the little stretch and work out they get.

Come on watch this even if you don’t have time to do it now, just remember this simple exercise and do it next time.

1 comment

  1. Thank you Sirgun for showing us a great way to use the Japji for moisfeitatnan. I definitely enjoyed your article and look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future. I also want to say that I absolutely love your music!Something that comes up in me to be shared is that there is a magic in the recitation of Nanak’s Japji that goes far beyond personal moisfeitatnan. If you continue to recite the sacred words there will be openings and releases that you didn’t intend for consciously, but you realize later you desperately wanted.So, whatever puts the Japji in your mouth is perfect, whether it be personal desire or love of the Word. Even if it’s something beyond your conscious mind, just recite it, sing it, hum it, fake it, play it while you drive or while you sleep. It will answer the call. Nanaak’s Japji will bring the victory and turn the GuruSikh towards the One~

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