Replace Buffer with Inner Strength

3/5 Replace your Buffer with Your Inner Strength.

Have you ever consider that maybe your extra pounds could be a buffer that your body created against stress or physic attacks? Some people also gain weight to hide their true selves. Others gain weight only in specific areas like shoulders, waist or hips.

Not all weight gain is a buffer and lack of buffer does not signify lack of stress.

Buffer is just one of the ways body deals with tension, stress, lack of love, attention,…

There is an easy way to re-train your body from creating a buffer.

1. Exercise, work your core strength and the muscles along your spine.
2. Meditate, imagine your strength in the core of your being and along your spine, feel the vibrant energy flowing through the spine.
3. Whenever you catch yourself stressing about something and tensing a part of your body, exhale immediately, visualize that strength you feel after a good workout. Remind yourself of the steel rod of your spine.

Yoga helps tremendously.

Slowly day by day, build up your inner strength physically and mentally so that your nervous system doesn’t have to create a fat buffer but can rely on your inner strength.

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