{video} Prosperity and Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

I met a friend the other day and he said he is moving out of NY because he doesn’t have a job. He also said that he has a lot of debt to pay off because when he was making money he got himself into debt.

That’s exactly what he said: “when I was making money I got myself into a lot of debt.”
Seems paradoxical, right?

This notion that when I’m making money I can spend more and than pay it off later is standing on its head and a lot of people have become victims of it.

Above is an example of GB – garbage beliefs which I’m going to address in this article.


How do we in a spiritual world define prosperity?

Prosperity is reaching a complete satisfaction with what you have have and who you are. It is a feeling of being supported financially, socially and spiritually to be able to pursue your dreams.


And when I say satisfied, I’m not saying that you should be humble and happy that you have a refrigerator and heat at home.


Reach for the stars and get as much money as you like.
Just don’t get sucked in never ending curse of wanting more and more.
Because that’s not prosperity. That is slavery. 


So why did my friend got himself into debt while making money?


Why did he wanted more and more and why did he got himself into debt?


It’s because of what is known as GB – Garbage Beliefs.

1. These are the ideas that make you believe that when you have this thing or that thing, you’ll be happier, more beautiful, more important, more of an expert, more whatever you are being sold on.


2. There are also garbage beliefs that don’t allow you to bring in more prosperity into your life. Their agenda is that you are not smart enough, not committed enough, not talented enough, that you don’t deserve it, that you should just be happy and not stick your head too much. You get it, right?


A lot of these garbage beliefs come from advertising, but a lot are cultural or family based and they operate your life through subconscious mind.


These are deeply rooted subconscious beliefs, they are like weed in your perfect prosperity garden. Their roots run deep and they are hard to get rid off.


Powerful Subconscious Cleanser – Sodarshan Chakra Kriya:

Whether you need to plug holes in your spending or open yourself to more prosperity; Sodarshan Charka Kriya will clear any GB (garbage beliefs) from your subconscious mind.
It works like a powerful jet stream that washes away all the garbage you have learned to believe in and you’ll be able to see the truth clearly. Try it yourself and experience how it feels to be fulfilled and happy with who you are.


Please practice with your head covered. The pranic power of this meditation is very strong and head covering will help you keep this energy contained.


 PS: even if you are not interested in prosperity, you should watch this video because I’ve created totally bad ass intro which starts around 45 seconds in.

For written PDF instructions to Sodarshan Chakra Kriya please click here

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