Awaken, my Soul! “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”

This blog post is for those who have ever tuned in with mantra Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.

Have you ever tried to create something but what actually came out of it was 1000 miles away from your vision?

Like I hear a song in my mind but when I start singing it, terrible noise comes out. lol

I’m not going to go into details why that happens, but I’m going to talk about how to align your vision with your expression.

Your soul or your spirit tends to be very shy and not very used to expressing itself. Of course amount of that expression varies from person to person but the bottom line is that everyone finds it difficult.

Ong namo chant is like a song that snake charmer might play to entice cobra to come out. 

With Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo you are calling on that shy soul to awaken and you are creating an environment which it can express itself.

So use it. Chant it with conviction and create with your soul fully in it.


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