4 week Classic Yogic Cleanse journey that begins 

Monday May 22nd 2023 and ends June 18th 2023

Experience high vibrational living attuned to nature. 

Not based on any new strict diets trends. 

It is based on respect for the body and gifts of nature.

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Transformational ancient yogic lifestyle practices.

4 weeks of guided rejuvenating fast (you will eat).

Videos with yoga for detox and flushing of all organs.

Meditations and breathing practices that bring your mind to a neutral space

Daily 30 mins yoga practice on zoom 8 am EST (is recorded)

Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash.

Classic Yogic Cleanse is not a juice cleanse.

It is more of a reset for body and mind. 

However drinking healing and detoxing drinks

is useful specially during the early transitional phase. 


classic yogic cleanse

Zita Harkaran

Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, food intuitive who lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Zita is also passionate about the power of the mind and how to direct it to serve your purpose. To live happy and free; your mind holds the key. This program includes some of Zita's most treasured tricks to get mind under control.


Sarah Padmani Ajeet

Sarah grew up in the magical forest and farmlands of Central Pennsylvania where she developed a deep appreciation for sports and nature. She studied at the University of Utah before moving to NYC to pursue a career in sports television production in 2002. 

Several sport induced concussions over the years led Sarah to look into meditation to heal her brain.  She works as a personal trainer  and teaches kundalini yoga in NYC. 

 Sarah is an expert on getting your body in shape. So we are happy to have her on board.

* 4 weeks of guided cleanse.

* Videos with kundalini yoga sets 

* Meditations & Breath work 

* Support emails with recipe ideas and shopping list

* Private group outside of mainstream social media platforms

* 30 mins morning yoga and meditation daily Zoom classes 8 am EST

cleanse package

This year you will also get the Cleanse Package. 

Collection of supplements that we have been recommending over the years like liquid chlorophyll, spirulina or other powder greens, mung beans, original yogi tea, almond oil.  

Chosen from the best offers on the market today.   

$197 with the cleanse package;  $133 without

We start on Monday May 22nd 2023

I'm so glad

I am so glad I treated myself to this cleanse with you. This is an excellent way to reset the system. I feel stronger physically, mentally and spiritually. I will definitely be making this a yearly ritual now. 
 I feel the Cleanse Your Colon kriya really shifted things in there. I will certainly be practicing this kriya with your video on a regular basis. I will miss practice with you live.

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Alice Hatton

I'm sad it's over

It seemed like everything you prepared and developed for this cleanse was perfect for me and all of us. 
I am so glad to have met you and I personally plan to continue eating this way and keep my cells rejuvenated.  And will practice my Kundalini. 
I feel that my Mind Body and Soul is balance and happy.  I am me again.

I loved it. I am sorta sad its over. 

choose your image

Adi Taj 

In love

I can not express my gratitude to you for all of the wonderful things I have learned from you and implemented to my life. 

Felt in love with so many veggies, I was not into to. I eat less overall and have so much more mindfulness around food, joy and fun! 
Amazing for me to reconnect with Kundalini yoga and meditations were just divine and allowed to to connect with different energies of me. 

choose your image

Marina Romashko

Constant need to metabolize various kinds of foods and drinks

whether they are healthy or not,

creates a strain on your organs over the years.

Stress, fear and negative thinking patterns

create anxiety and tendency for addictive behavior.

Natural high

When I first signed up for the yogic cleanse, I didn't know what to expect.
I was so nervous about being hungry!  I very much surprised myself by how much I enjoyed the simplicity of what I was eating. 
 I loved the break from caffeine. I loved the natural high I felt from being fueled by real, simple food that is bioavailable and easy to digest.
What I loved about the program was that it is paired up with specific kundalini exercises, meditations, daily motivation and facebook group check-ins to help with accountability. I love that you're not doing it alone! Having a group of other people participating and hearing their experiences and connecting with them through the challenges and rewards was really meaningful, and helped me to stick with it and maintain motivation.
After the detoxing phase, I felt light, I felt strong, I felt like I could take deeper breaths and this impacted every aspect of my life. 
And now here I am a year later, and I CAN NOT wait for the annual fasting cleanse to begin again. 

 Take the plunge, change your life, elevate! You are worth it!


Oregon, USA


I wanted to do the yogic cleanse so that I could gain some control over my bad eating habits and hopefully feel lighter. I felt the support of a group would be very beneficial.
During the cleanse I felt a lot lighter, more energetic and enjoyed taking time away from my daily coffee habit. 

Having the support of the group and weekly meetings was inspiring and very helpful.

It was helpful to change up my eating habits to bring sweetness to life and to take a pause from eating mindlessly.  The yogic cleanse brought more mindfulness to my daily eating habits & helped me to feel better.
It took some real discipline and to make it through but I think it was well worth it and I know my body was very thankful that it got a break.  It was a positive reset for my body and mind and the group support was absolutely fabulous! I’d recommend the yogic cleanse to anyone looking to feel better and eat more mindfully️


 Texas, USA

 5 Big Dos and Don'ts
when on a Cleanse

Cleanse with package $197

Just a cleanse $133

For a year long access to Classic Yogic Cleanse.

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