[video] Addictions are parasitic in nature

Addiction part 2.
Addictions are parasitic in nature and in extreme case that parasitic relationship can make you and your soul a slave –  not free to experience life in its fullest and your soul suffers tremendously because of it.

Addiction makes you dependent on outside source of energy in order for you to feel certain way. And this doesn’t just apply to highly addictive or illegal substances. You could be addicted to relationships, situations, shopping,…

Human body is an ingenious design with capacity for incredible states of bliss and happiness on it’s own without needing to intake something from the outside. All you need to do is connect with the infinite supply of energy within you and allow the juice of life (bir rus) to flow through.

Then the sweetness of the flow of your juice of life (your kundalini) will make you so blissful that these external substances will feel like lemon to the sweetest milk. This was my experience while practicing kundalini and you can ask anyone else and they will confirm it as well.

In this video about addiction I’ll share with you:

  • the main reason for addictive behavior
  • difference between voice of your soul and the voice of your addiction
  • quitting is A PRACTICE
  • Fill your life with juice of life – Sat Kriya
  • Break reactionary, compulsive mind operations with Meditation for Addictions

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