I don’t have time

4-ways-we-lose-time How many times do you say to yourself, “I don’t have time.” How many times do you wish you would have more hours in the day?
Pretty much everyday.

But not out loud because my mom is visiting and she won’t stand for that.
She always tells me “Time is NOT an excuse”
And even though I HATE her saying that, I have to admit, it is true. Everyone has the same amount of hours in the day.

I had to change my “I don’t have time” to “This is of no interest to me, at this moment.” Sounds really pretentious, right?
But I have to say, It feels so liberating. It’s like I take off few energetic pounds from my being every time I say it. I recommend it to everyone.



Do you want to know how you can create more time for yourself?


Here is a short excerpt from the amazing Meditation Training about how we lose time in life. Check it out and then ask me to pick a meditation for you. Seriously I’ll find a perfect one for you.
You have to see this video is so short but you’ll learn a lot.


Recently, I started taking one important step towards creating more time. Whenever I have time to reflect, I ask myself, what is of the most importance to do today? A then I go and do it. Try it!

After you watch the video, let me know in the comments below which way do you lose time the most? I’m really curious.

For example, I lose time making mistakes. Many many mistakes.

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